The "Girl": This is the guy that pretends to be a girl on the message board, and all the other nerds want to go out with thanks
to the fake picture he posted of himself. He'll always try and act "feminine" by being mature about a situation and using
big words. He'll have either a very boyish user name, or a username no female would ever be caught dead with, or a parody
of there really name, like lisanne, or mighty marissa, or teen catslave.
on how to deal with him: Refer to him as a he all the time. He'll get angry, and insist he's a girl. Then he'll complain to
the mods. If they start doing something about the gender miscalculating you're doing, stop it but keep up with your trolling,
and imply in the smallest ways that he's a guy. This will push him over the edge, and he'll eventually flame you and get banned.
Best part is that even if this user falls in to the 5 percent of "girls" on the net that are really girls (hi sis) they will
still get mad by your tactics and flame you.