The followers: These are the guys that agree with everything you say. They become your followers. Sometimes they're other
trolls (trolls look out for each other), and sometimes just normal users that for some reason or another want to troll (either
rebellion, they don't like the guys you're trolling, or they just believe the BS you're spouting) Use them. They will almost
always get banned if they keep it up provided they aren't other trolls, from lack of experience, but they can help you kill
a board faster than anyone.
to deal with them: Use them for whatever you need. Let them do there thing. Just them agreeing with you an trolling with you
will help you, not hurt you. I have never seen a flunky become a problem. They will always yield to you, although if you give
them too much attention they might try and take over your faction of trolls and flunkies. However, the others won't listen
to a mutinying flunky, and will only shun him.