Main trolling tips:
* Be persistent: Don't flood, but make lots of topics. 90 percent of trolling isn't
being annoying, but trying to be annoying for a long time. Make them tired of you. Troll as often as you can get around
to it. Remember, you're trying to help these nerds get lives, not become one while posting yourself. If your post count ever
climbs belows 45 on a board, wait until it drops to 20. Be persistent, but don't become one of them by spending all of your
time online.
* Be creative: Try and do new things. Don't fall into a rut of doing the same thing.
* Don't use all your best stuff in one topic: Nothing is worse than a stale troll.
They just aren't annoying, If you troll long enough, it's gotta happen, but try and stay fresh as long as possible.
* Bump it up: If a topic isn't going well then keep it afloat with stupid post that
won't be moderated for say, gamefaqs disruptive posting rule, or gamingw's posting multiple blank post in a row rule.
* Look out for your fellow troll: If a troll is being persecuted, and outdone by the
board regs, or the users are complaining to him about the mods, stick up for him.
* If you get banned, don't give up. I've been banned 133 times on gamefaqs
alone (my favorite place to troll), and when banned I come back immediately. This breaks the boards spirits, and
is key to your success. This is key to your inevitable elimination of the board.