The other trolls: These are the other trolls on the boards. Sometimes you will be the only resident troll, while other times
there will already be trolls in residence where you're trolling.
to deal with them: If you see a resident troll, make sure that its okay that you troll there as well. If he says you can stay,
be respectful, and never outshine him. He was here first after all, and if he wants you to leave his board (he'll indicate
if he does) then just leave. Troll infighting on a board will just get you both banned, or if you're both good, you won't
get banned but it will render your trolling of the regulars useless, and the troll slayer will just use your dislike for each
other against you anyway. How to deal? If a troll is there already and wants you gone, leave. He lets you stay, play by his
rules, and they will have even more problems (the regs).