I initially missed this one. Thanks to JamesP for pointing it out. First, what he said:
The user-type (not catalogued by you) who I regard with the most
disdain? The troll-wannabe. This
is a twat who brags about being a troll
but who hasn't earned their stripes, someone who has suicided dozens of
on MBH isn't a troll, they are someone who suicides accounts.
Trolling is about what you can get away with, not
about getting banned.
My take on it? Trolling is exactly about what you can get away with it, just as he said. Once the mods are onto
you, you either change your style, move on to a new board or site, or get used to making a lot of new accounts, because that's
what you'll be doing. I've been banned well over 130 times on gamefaqs, and as many on the other sites I've trolled. The main
reason is because once the moderators know you're a troll, you'll get banned a lot while trying to figure out a way not to
get banned. But anyway, back to the troll wannabe.
He's the guy that is always bragging about what a great troll he is, but hasn't really done anything. Most of
the time he's not destructive to trolling topics that you as a troll will make, but if he starts to do thing that are affecting
you trolling, you can do one of two things:
1.) Ask him to leave. Wannabe or not, if he's a troll or at least a wannabe, he might have enough respect
for the trolls around him to piss off when you ask him to. If he doesn't, then theres option number 2.
2.) Expose him for the fraud he is. Using your own skills, troll him, or show him how sad of a troll he is by
doing things as a troll that he could never do. That would be pretty much anything in trolling 101. If he's out trolling you,
he may not be a wannabe afterall, and maybe you should re evaluate. One way or another, most wannabe trolls won't effect your
trolling, although you may want to do away with them anyway just for being bad trolls. Granted, all trolls were beginners
at some point, this type just needs to be a little more humble and go back and learn the basics before claiming to be the