In an effort to make a fairly comprehensive list, I actually left out one of the fairly obvious ones. Someone brought
it to my attention, and when I remember there name I'm going to give them credit. The type of user I'm talking about is the
spectator. This guy doesn't really care that you're trolling, and although he isn't a troll himself, he has a life outside
the internet, and even though he's a normal, maybe even frequent poster, the internet is not his life. You can flame him,
troll him, and make fun of him and he won't care simply because he's just like you, except he's not an internet jackass. Occasionally
he post in topics but...
How to deal with him:
Leave him alone. Since he doesn't care about your trolling, or is maybe even amused by it, he's not really going to hinder
you in any way. He may post to let people around know he sees the topic, or just for the hell of it, but he's just having
fun. After your trolling tenure has gone on for a while, he won't even be post in your topics anymore. I'd say don't
troll him, but even if you do, it won't matter, as he won't care. No matter what you do, chances are he'll lose interest in
you sooner or later, and if he doesn't, he's more of a positive than negative. The only problem you may encounter is if for
some reason the other users decided to mimmick his approach of you, which is to make a joke out of it, and that only happens
if you flamed or trolled him to begin with. Just steer clear of this guy for the most part, and you'll be fine.